Formatting comments

When you add a comment in Excel, most people accept the (quite ugly) standard shape and layout they get:


But what if you want to change the shape and look of your comment? For example to this:

comment2 comment3

This is how you do it:

You need to add the “Change Shape” tool to your Quick Access toolbar:

File – Options – Customize Ribbon – All Commands – Change Shape – Add!


(or in Excel 2003: View – Drawing – Draw Menu – Change AutoShape)

When you create a comment, select the border of the comment (for existing comments, just right click the cell they are in and select “Edit comment”). Now click the new Change Shape tool on your Quick Access Toolbar (that’s the thin toolbar above/below the ribbon).

From that, you can select all the shapes, arrows, stars, etc!

Once you have the new shape, right-click the border, and choose “Format comment” to modify your comment even further!

To get a picture in the background: Format comment – Colors and Lines – Color (dropdown) – Fill Effects – Picture – Upload Picture