This is perfect if you have a pivot table, and you want to export multiple versions of it to separate PDF files, eg. a report per manager or OpCo to distribute further.
In this case I have a pivot table called PivotTable1 on the worksheet called Summary, and I want to export a PDF file for each value in analyis_codes4 available in the pivot table. The files will in this case be saved in directory C:\EXPORTDIRECTORY\.
Sub PDF_Indivudual_Summaries() Dim strPath As String Dim wksSource As Worksheet Dim PT As PivotTable Dim pf As PivotField Dim pi As PivotItem Set wksSource = Worksheets("Summary") Set PT = wksSource.PivotTables("PivotTable1") Set pf = PT.PivotFields("analysis_codes4") If pf.Orientation <> xlPageField Then MsgBox "There's no 'analysis_codes4' field in the Report Filter. Try again!", vbExclamation Exit Sub End If strPath = "C:\EXPORTDIRECTORY\" If Right(strPath, 1) <> "\" Then strPath = strPath & "\" ActiveWorkbook.ShowPivotTableFieldList = False PT.PivotCache.MissingItemsLimit = xlMissingItemsNone PT.PivotCache.Refresh With pf .ClearAllFilters For Each pi In .PivotItems .CurrentPage = pi.Name wksSource.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=strPath & pi.Name & "_revenue.pdf" Next pi .ClearAllFilters End With End Sub